Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls

My favorite part about these tasty treats is sharing them....not because I'm nice....instead, it's because I'm inappropriate. I love asking people (man, woman, child; it matters not a bit), "Would you like to try my balls?"

My second favorite part is that although these balls seem like they should be slightly decadent, they're not.  The sweetness comes from dates (nature's candy).  I feel like dates are the tofu of the sweet world...they easily morph into whatever sweet flavor you desire.  By simply processing them and adding cocoa powder, some finely ground almonds and vanilla extract, those dates turn into a fine facsimile of an undercooked brownie.  YUM.  By the way, the chocolate layer is delicious by itself, made into balls or bars or whatever shape you want.  However, if you want to go to the next level of deliciousness (warning, this level FOR SURE will require an ice cold glass of milk), add the peanut butter layer.  Somehow, some way, when peanut butter meets vanilla protein powder, MAGIC happens.  Trust me on this.

These make the perfect grab and go snack.  They're ideal for those days when you overslept and don't have time for breakfast.  Your kids will love snacking on them between football and hockey practices (those 2 sport nights...gotta love 'em).  Best of all, these delicious balls freeze well so you can always keep them on hand.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls

Inspired by Texanerin

Chocolate Layer

  • 1/2 cup whole almonds
  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • 3 Tablespoons cocoa powder (to increase the protein content, up to half of the cocoa powder can be replaced with your favorite chocolate protein powder)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Peanut Butter Layer

  • 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 2 scoops (roughly 3/4 cup) of your favorite vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
Begin with the chocolate layer.  Put your almonds in a food processor and grind them to the consistency you desire.  Add dates and pulse till the dates are finely ground.  Then add your cocoa powder and vanilla and pulse till the mix is uniform.  Dump the chocolate part onto a Silpat or piece of parchment.  Use your fingers to press it down flat.  The process will look like this:

Then, mix together the peanut butter and protein powder with a hand mixer.  Once the protein powder is thoroughly incorporated, put it on top of the chocolate mix and spread it out as evenly as possible.  One way that works well is to put another Silpat or piece of parchment on top and use a rolling pin to flatten it.  This isn't an exact science.  If you have a lot of chocolate sticking out on the sides, just fold it over onto the peanut butter part.  After you have the peanut butter where you want it, cut (GENTLY with the back of a butter knife if you're cutting on a Silpat) into squares. The number of squares will depend on how many balls you want to make.  Roll each square into a chocolate peanut butter tie dye looking ball of goodness.  I think these are best refrigerated and don't forget, they freeze well!


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